Modern historiography of the european order of rosencrutzers in the light of the study of «Western еsotherism»

  • Dmitry Pomazan


The purpose of the study the modern historiography of the European Order of the Rosicrucians. This
topic is not sufficiently disclosed in the context of the academic study of the history of Western Esotericism.
Studying the Rosicrucian movement as a historical phenomenon has some specificity, as there is no exhaustive
point of view among the scientific community regarding the reality of this society and its origins. Given the
specifics of the phenomenon, the purpose of the article is to review the contemporary historiographical basis of
the Order of the Rosicrucians and to systematize research paradigms, for a holistic understanding and
improvement of further study. The research methodology is based on the principles of historicism and scientific
objectivity. In addition to general scientific methods: analysis, synthesis, induction and deduction, special
historical methods were used in the research: historical-comparative and historical-typological method, as well
as for interdisciplinary sympathetic method of sympathetic sympathetic method was used for the complex study
of esotericism as a religious component of society. The scientific novelty of the chosen question is, first of all, in
the formulation and development of a topic as an independent and holistic research problem. At the same
time, in the historiography of the esoteric secret societies of Western Europe of modern times. Conclusions.
One of the central themes that unites all academic studies of the history of the Rosicrucian movement is the
study of manifesto written in Germany and dating from the early 17th century. which tells the story of the
mythical figure of H. Rosencreater, in honor of whom the Order was named. It was found that the
overwhelming majority of researchers consider the author of the data manifesto Valentine Andre, who
partially confessed to it. But the existence of the Order as a real organization has not been proven. Therefore,
another topic that is being pursued by most authors is the spread of ideas throughout Europe. In particular,
researchers pay special attention to the activities of the Rosicrucians, in the territory of Germany in the
XVIII century. as it is there, there is the first solid evidence of the organization.
Key words: Esotericism, historiography, Europe, Rosicrucians, Masons.


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