Освіта для сталого розвитку як запорука якісної початкової освіти в Новій українській школі

  • Дубяга Світлана, Шевченко Юлія, Мелаш Валентина МДПУ імені Богдана Хмельницького


The article provides rational
importance of education for
sustainable development in modern
society. The authors identify the
subject and the aim of the research:
peculiarities of the implementation of
theoretical principles of education for
sustainable development in Ukraine
and evaluation of pedagogical
influence of the use of author's
methodological concept of advanced
environmental education on the
development of primary
schoolchildren’s environmental
competence. The article represents
experimental materials, according to
which the authors make conclusion
that education for sustainable
development and advanced
environmental education as its key
part occupy the dominant position in
the New Ukrainian School, as they
provide high quality of primary
education and prepare young
learners for life in sustainable models
of balanced development.


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