Analysis of the teacher training system of inclusive school in the USA.

  • Мар’яна Захарчук Національний університет «Львівська політехніка»
  • Юлія Закаулова Національний університет «Львівська політехніка»


The system of training teachers to work in an inclusive educational environment in the United States has been analyzed. Common and distinctive competences in professional knowledge of a general school teacher and special school teacher have been revealed. The authors have distinguished the main forms for improving the inclusive school teachers’ qualification: individual, group and collective. The major categories of knowledge of an inclusive school teacher have been characterized. The authors have also revealed shortcomings in the training programs of teachers in previous years and the ways to eliminate them. The structure of the curriculum and the macro model of training teachers for inclusive schools have been suggested.

Key words:

inclusive school teacher, effective teacher, inclusive education.


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