Cognitive and communicative approach to teaching vocabulary during speech practice classes.

  • Марина Рубцова


The article deals with the implementation of the cognitive-communicative approach principles in the process of foreign language vocabulary teaching during oral speech classes. On the basis of authoritative scientific sources the author sets forth the essence of the cognitive-communicative approach, notably, orientation on the student’s personality and provisions for his active participation in the learning process both as an object and a subject of cognitive activity. Thus, the aim of the cognitive-communicative approach implementation is viewed as the formation of students’ communicative and language competence. The articel substantiates the appropriateness of modular structure of the teaching process using the above mentioned approach which, in turn, provides for conscious acquisition of the teaching material and is a successful prerequisite of forming the system of consistent lexical skills. Apart from this, the author suggests using the cognitive-communicative system of exercises for students’ lexical skills development.


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