Methods of students’ methodological knowledge forming in teaching Chemistry.

  • Вікторія Валюк


The article represents the complex of methodological knowledge in Chemistry which includes: general logical methods of learning: comparison, classification, generalization, induction, deduction; experimental methods of knowledge: observation, experience; theoretical methods of knowledge: modeling, analogy, mathematization, fixing and proving of the hypothesis, imaginary experiment.

There has been developed the methodical system of students’ methodological knowledge formation in teaching Chemistry which includes: principles of determination of complex of knowledge about the knowledge which are being formed while students are being taught Chemistry; the complex of methodological knowledge; gradual formation of students’ methodological knowledge, where such methods of scientific research (general logical, theoretical, experimental) and concepts (law, hypothesis, theory, scientific fact) are studied in an integrated system that meets the logic of scientific knowledge; level formation of methodological knowledge; principles of selection and rational use of teaching tools (complex of organizational forms and methods, systems of problem solving), focused on students’ methodological knowledge formation.


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