Individual-typological features of subjects of cloud-oriented learning environment projecting.

  • Світлана Литвинова


The article analyzes individual-typological features of students and teachers as subjects of cloud-oriented learning environment (COLE) projecting of general educational institution. Students have been classified by their academic potential (high, adequate, average, low academic potential and marked positive behavior, low academic potential and marked aggressive behavior), age characteristics, types of training, number of students, a place of learning, training time, didactic purposes and duration of training. Being the subjects of cloud-oriented learning environment teachers have been classified by inclination to use such innovations as COLE (pointedly negative type, hidden negative, neutral, positive situational, stably positive, positive innovation), by inclination for the interaction (hidden negative, neutral indifferent functionally professional, actively positive), by pedagogical abilities (didactic, perceptual, organizational, authoritarian, communicative, pedagogical imagination) and qualities for effective teaching have been defined.


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