Using virtualization technologies to teach IP-telephony to engineers-teachers via computer networks.

  • Максим Павленко
  • Лілія Павленко


The article discusses the use of virtualization technology to train future engineers-teachers of IP-telephony via computer networks. The requirements for future professionals’ training in the field of IP-telephony are determined. The authors have outlined the structure of the educational laboratory network for deploying IP-telephony service. Modern approaches to the use of virtualization technologies have been analyzed; positive and negative qualities of their use in teaching IP-telephony via computer networks have been determined. The analysis of modern virtualization technologies has shown promising character of native virtualization as the foundation for the creation of virtual learning laboratory. As a software implementation of virtualization in training the authors have considered VMware Workstation, Parallels Workstation and VirtualBox. The possibility of their use in the process of teaching IP-telephony in computer networks has been analyzed and the feasibility of selecting VirtualBox as the main software tool for creating virtual learning labs has been confirmed.


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