Features of functioning and prospects of development of nonformal education in modern society.

  • Лілія Яременко


The article analyzes the nature and main purpose of nonformal education in the system of modern educational activity; scientific and technological revolution essentially defined the social order for the emergence of nonformal education. After all, it is technological revolution that resulted in a significant reorientation of secondary schools into the educational institution that devoted more time to teaching children and youth, while the center of educational work gradually shifted to the family and extracurricular institutions. Traditional school of the last century was not able to fully meet the educational needs of the younger generation. Self-realization and self-development were carried out, as a rule, in an ideologically controlled field. Brand new conditions and opportunities are created in an era of globalization and information revolution. It produces innovative type of progress, and with it – an innovative person, endowed with creativity and talents, and most importantly, one that has an inner need to creativity, realization of its own freedom. The development of the information society determines the presence of exceptional requirements for pedagogues concerning formation of free, creative personality. Additional conditions for this are created by the system of nonformal education.


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