Problems of increasing the effectiveness of school education in the aspect of student-centered learning.

  • Наталія Ідрісова


The paper highlighted the negative complex of pedagogical conditions faced by a modern Ukrainian teacher, and without which the transition is not sufficient to support practically competency student-centered learning. The author revealed such psycho-pedagogical problems of modern Ukrainian education hampering transition to European standards of teaching as outdated teaching methods, inadequate number of subjects studied and overload, harmful to students' health, the lack of consideration regarding the individual characteristics of the student's personality and growth of school violence. There are determined the directions of educational activities which are necessary to build according to individual physical, somatic, psychic, social and gender characteristics of the students; load optimization, adequate employment density and the active involvement of students in practical activities with the aim of realizing the value of the surrounding world; the need to establish the administration and teachers of a favorable psychological climate in school and in the classroom; organization relationship to enhance the appointed and after-hour educational activity of schoolboys; creation of conditions for effective interaction between parents, school administrators and teachers to create and develop in students the motivation to learn. It provides an opportunity and the value of pedagogical actions necessary to create conditions for improving the quality of training and education of the younger generation and the direction of the current reform of the public school system.


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