Study of medical equipment for quantum-mechanical methods of investigation and radiation physics with virtual training programs.

  • Олександр Даць


The article describes the method, the role and content of virtual training programs to study medical equipment for quantum-mechanical methods of investigation and radiation physics. The author studies basic medical equipment, the operation of which is assigned to physical phenomena and laws such as the law of thermal radiation, the phenomenon of luminescence and electron spin resonance. The paper deals with the key stages of virtual training simulators and incremental processing of them by students. One of the most important sections of medical and biological physics is a series of quantum-mechanical methods of investigation and radiation physics. Based on these physical phenomena and processes there is a number of medical devices needed to diagnose the human body. So, the laws of thermal radiation are the basis for medical thermography, whereby, body temperature is measured without physical contact with them and determines the temperature of its individual sections of up to a tenth degree. Quantum mechanics, in turn, describes the behavior of micro-particles and their systems that contain valuable information about the structure of organic molecules and the nature of intermolecular interactions. Quantum mechanical phenomena form the basis of modern medical facilities nuclear resonance diagnostics by which the physician receives the necessary information about the functioning of some organs and systems.


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