Forming the instrumental-performing competence of future musical art teachers.

  • Ірина Стотика
  • Елеонора Власенко
  • Олександр Стотика


The features of the process that involves forming instrumental-performing competence of future musical art teacher are examined in the article. Definition of the concept "Instrumental-performing competence" is given and the use of an experience vector in musical-performing activity of students is outlined. The component structure of instrumental-performing competence is exposed in the article, the ways of its forming in the process of professional preparation of a future musical art teacher are reflected. The content of competences in the curriculum on a basic musical instrument is specified; their differentiation on thematic blocks (instrumental, interpersonal, system) is carried out. The promising ways of forming  instrumental-performing competence of a future musical art teacher are as such: private lessons on disciplines of performance cycle, participating in musical-elucidative events and concerto-elucidative practice of students-musicians.


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