Paradigm of musicians’-instrumentalists’ emotional stability development in the process of preparation to stage activity.

  • Дмитро Юник
  • Тетяна Юник
  • Ліна Котова


The content and structure of musicians’-instrumentalists’ emotional stability is shown in the article. In conditions of public performances it provides the highest quality reproduction of the necessary information by maintaining the stability of sensorimotor stability without depletion of energy resources of the organism. Emotional stability of musicians-instrumentalists should be characterized by not stagnation of emotions, but stability of their action. It is also characterized by a complex dynamic structure that combines physiological, psychological, psychophysiological and socio-psychological levels of organization of the mental state of interpreters. The main components of emotional stability are: correspondence of emotional reactions to external and internal stimuli; the harmony of relationship between all features of the performing process in usual and stage conditions; emotional reactivity and ability to regulate stage behavior.

The paradigm (set of general theoretical foundations) of development of musicians'-instrumentalists' emotional stability is set out in the article. For the leading idea is taken the maximum "immersion of their attention" into the process of pieces’ of music interpretation with the avoidance of conscious fixation of your own well-being during the playing. It is proven that formed ability to arbitrarily manage own emotions provides the devaluation of importance of the negative impact of stressors and it becomes the main determinant of development of the musicians'-instrumentalists' emotional stability.

The authors argue that all musicians-instrumentalists can achieve a high level of emotional stability regardless of the innate properties of strength-weakness of the nervous system. It requires an individual approach to the development of the designated properties. The qualitative interpretation of pieces of music without unnecessary tension in emotional conditions of stage performances is carried out on the basis of unity of energy and information mental processes.


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