Key features of using ICT in educational process of elementary school at the modern stage of its modernization

  • Віра Андрієвська


This paper examines the key features of using information communication technologies (ICT) in educational process of elementary school with focus on formation of qualitatively new abilities of the younger generation – meta-subject ICT skills. Four different types of meta-subject ICT skills were determined: informational-analytical, instrumental, behavioural skills in the digital world, communicative skills. Informational-analytical skills include skills of schoolchildren: to read information presented in various types (text, graphic, numeric, etc.); to read foreign language information; to evaluate the content value of information; to analyze the reliability of information and its source. To the instrumental skills (possession of methods and means of working with information) we attribute the skills of schoolchildren: to use effective methods of information retrieval; to work out various types of information (figurative, storyline, etc.); to group information according to a certain attribute, to organize it in ascending or descending order, structured save and accumulate; to submit information in different types (text, graphic, etc.). Behavioural abilities in the digital world include the skills of schoolchildren: to adhere to the rules of security on the network; safe use of mobile devices; to create your own image on the net and your own reputation, understanding the essence and significance of the digital trace; to use the information correctly. Communicative skills include the ability of schoolchildren: to use appropriately different ways of communication (text / audio messages, emoticons, etc.) in public space and private communication; to use software tools to support dialogue in multimedia space; to adhere to the ethics of electronic communication (interpersonal, group, network); to perceive feelings and thoughts of other participants of communication, to build a positive dialogue.

The necessity of the step-by-step approach in formation of the meta-subject ICT skills of junior pupils is proved; stages of their formation (elementary, practical, perspective) are characterized; the task for the formation of meta-subject ICT skills of junior pupils, which are implemented on each of our selected stages, is specified.


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