Optimization of special physical training for the cadets of Academy of the State Penitentiary Service.

  • Сергій Лисюк
  • В’ячеслав Сорокопуд
  • Іван Ткаченко
  • Дмитро Кирієнко
  • Федір Могильний


The meaning of theoretical and methodological substantiation of the programs of special physical training in the system of law enforcement specialists’ training in Ukraine, particularly, the cadets of the Academy of the State Penitentiary Service, is analyzed in the article. The main reasons of imperfection of the existing system of special physical training that is formed on the basis of morally obsolete complexes RB-1, RB-2 of the Guidelines on Physical Training of the Armed Forces of the Soviet Union, are determined. At the moment, this system of training is not only military inefficient, but also harmful and dangerous for those who use it. The components of the concept of the cadets’ special physical training that consists of eight basic hand-to-hand combat techniques that later can be called the basic technique and neutralization technique, are revealed in the article. The optimal four stages of the cadets’ of the Academy of SPS special training are determined and their content is revealed.


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