Competence of lifelong learning as a component of andragogical background of future masters of education.

  • Світлана Ізбаш
  • Віктор Усатий


In the article the essence and maintenance of competence to lifelong learning of future masters of education, the main tasks and advantages of such education are determined. The urgency of the competence approach to the preparation of future masters of education is substantiated. The analysis of the results of the ascertaining stage of the experiment on the formation of competence to lifelong learning in future masters of education is presented. It was found out that the future masters of education are at the stage of active learning and mastering of the foundations of professional activity, on the whole they are motivated for lifelong learning, but only half of them have a high level of motivation for lifelong learning. It is determined that for the purposeful and conscious process of forming the competence to lifelong learning of the future masters of education, it is necessary to introduce the discipline "Andragogy", which is an effective methodology for constructing the practice-oriented vocational training of a teacher of higher education for lifelong learning in a master’s program.


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