Formation of Students Interpersonal Relations in the Multicultural Area of Higher Educational Establishments

  • Kirsanova Svitlana


The article is devoted to consideration of the phenomenon of forming of student youth interpersonal relations in multicultural space of higher educational institution of pedagogical profile. Different interpretations of the notions "multicultural space" and "relationships" are considered. The author considers other similar concepts of "interaction", "relations", etc. The peculiarities of multicultural environment of an educational institution are characterized. The article deals with the issues of pedagogical principles, functions, goals of intercultural education, which aims to form a personality ready for life in a multicultural environment, to live in peace and harmony with people of different nationalities, as well as to develop a multicultural balance in the educational process. According to the author, the provisions of the students training and the formation of their personality should be based on the priorities of universal values, the need for the formation of communicative multicultural competence, planetary thinking, understanding and feeling of personality as an integral part of a single and interconnected world, the formation of positive interpersonal relationships between students in a multiethnic environment. In other words, the higher school should be focused on the main task - to bring up not only a highly qualified specialist for its branch of knowledge, but also a specialist of such a level of culture, capable of implementing positive interpersonal relationships in a multicultural environment. The author considers some approaches to the clarification of the scientific research concepts.


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