World Experience of NationalPatriotic Education of Pupils: Legal and Practical Aspects

  • Fedorenko Olena


The article analyses foreign experience of patriotic education of the population, examines practical approaches to formation of patriotic consciousness, justifies the possibilities of positive experience adaptation in domestic practice. The conclusion is that in many countries (Belarus, Kazakhstan, Georgia, China, the U.S., and France) public administration bodies carries out certain measures to patriotic education of the population, although the level of patriotism is not always determined by the presence of appropriate state programs or number of some kinds of patriotic events. Today, national-patriotic education of youth in many countries of the world is one of the leading places in the system of national priorities. Respect and love of young people to their own homeland, language, traditions and culture are integral parts of state policy. In various countries of the world, public authorities carry out certain measures aimed at patriotic upbringing of the population, although the level of patriotism is not always determined by the presence of the state program (US) or the number of patriotic measures taken (European countries). This analysis gives rise to a number of questions. Perhaps the correct and important definition of patriotism is "love-responsibility». The experience of leading countries convincingly proves that the basis of patriotism is the feeling of pride for their country and the desire to belong to a decent state. Ukraine also needs a program to popularize state symbols through the media, culture and civil society institutions. Ukrainians rely on the best features of the national character, while developing the new qualities necessary for the successful personal development and implementation of the country. The calculation of the results of national patriotic education, which is an indicator of the effectiveness of national patriotic education, will make it possible to detect omissions, deficiencies and, consequently, take measures to correct them and develop the most effective measures that are guaranteed to achieve the goal.


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