Model of formation of informative competence of students of medical institutions of higher education in the conditions of distance learning

  • Kucherenko Inna


The article is devoted to theoretical substantiation of the author’s model of formation of informational competence of students of medical higher education institutions in conditions of distance learning, the main structural elements of which are the target, conceptual, content, procedural and evaluation-resultative units. Within the target unit of the model, the purpose of forming informational competence of students of medical higher education institutions in the conditions of distance learning is determined, which consists in the formation of a person who freely uses information and communication technologies in solving specific professional tasks. The conceptual unit of the model covers methodological approaches (systems, activity, personality oriented, interdisciplinary and competence) and principles (general and specific) for the formation of informational competence of students of medical higher education institutions in conditions of distance learning. The content unit of the model contains components of informational competence (motivational, axiological, technological); academic disciplines; forms of training (interactive lectures, practical classes, laboratory classes, independent work, web quests, projects, etc.); methods (active, research, problem, partial exploratory, etc.). The procedural unit of the model involves implementation of "teacher-student" interaction. Processality is realized through the stages of formation of informational competence of students of medical higher education institutions (motivation stage, goal-setting stage, technological stage). Pedagogical conditions that ensure effective implementation of the model are determined, namely: formation of students’ positive motivation to work independently in the process of studying computer science disciplines; formation of teachers’ readiness for the use of distance learning technology; timely filling of informational learning environment with educational content. The evaluation-resultative unit of the model of formation of informational competence of students of medical higher education institutions in conditions of distance learning covers criteria for the formation of the indicated competence (motivational, cognitive, activity), corresponding indicators, levels (low, medium, high), diagnostic methods.


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