Improvement of students' readiness for primary schoolchildren’s spiritual and moral development: foreign and domestic experience

  • Shevchenko Yuliia


The training of teachers, who are ready for schoolchildren’s spiritual and moral development, becomes a major priority of the modern stage of higher education development. The article represents the analysis of foreign and domestic scientists’ points of view on this issue. It is emphasized that future teacher’s readiness for the process of primary schoolchildren’s spiritual and moral development is the result of careful work of both the student himself and people who accompany the processes of personal and professional growth. It is believed that in the student age there appears an increasing interest in such moral issues as aim and way of life, love and loyalty, obligation; but at the age of 17-19 the ability to consciously regulate one's own behavior is not fully developed and often there appear unmotivated risk in behavior, inability to predict the consequences of actions, etc. In a multicultural society, there exist many differences in the education and development of children, which deal with the knowledge about personality’s spiritual and moral development, literature, and art. It is noted that it is important for future teachers to learn to compose a full spectrum of their own creative-basic, general and specific abilities, and through the comprehension of these abilities the students can discover their own unique inner world. It is proved that in order to improve students' readiness for primary schoolchildren’s spiritual and moral development, we need to take into account two scientific approaches: improvement of readiness by means of organization of educational work of higher education institution (specificity of social institute) and self-improvement of future teacher’s readiness – in this case the future teacher has the opportunity to consciously manage this process (specificity of personal growth).


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