The role of foreign language education in the formation of the person’s intercultural tolerance

  • Tarasenko Tetiana, Konovalenko Tetiana, Tarasenko Maria Bohdan Khmelnytsky Melitopol State Pedagogical University


The article is devoted to the theoretical principles and practical aspects of the formation of person’s intercultural tolerance in the process of learning foreign languages. Based on the analysis of scientific sources, the significance and main features and components of intercultural tolerance, which is the basis of successful intercultural communication, are revealed. The characteristic features of a person who tolerantly carries out intercultural communication are determined, including: humanity, reflexivity, love of freedom, responsibility, flexibility, self-confidence, self-control, variability, perceptiveness, empathy, sense of humor. In accordance with the purpose of multicultural education – the formation of planetary thinking through self-awareness as part of ethnicity and culture as part of humanity – identified areas of study in foreign language education, based on the idea of language and culture and important from the standpoint of intercultural communication, namely: linguistics ethnolinguistics, linguocultural studies. The main tasks of foreign language education aimed at the formation of intercultural tolerance, which is the key to the success of international communication are defined: the development of axiological attitudes of the individual, enrichment of universal and national-specific values of the own and other cultures; expanding the boundaries of understanding the phenomena of human life, polyphonic worldview, based on the harmony of knowledge, feelings, creative actions; expanding the communicative range of the individual through interaction with representatives of other cultures.  


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