Education of the social maturity of high school students in extracurricular activities: principles and approaches

  • Anna Lyakisheva, Tatiana Potapchuk Lesia Ukrainka Eastern European National University; DVNZ "Precarpathian National Vasyl Stefanyk University"


The article raises the issue of educating social maturity of high school students in extracurricular activities. It is noted that the transformational processes that take place in modern Ukrainian society, determine new views on the education of the individual, his formation as a subject capable of free humanistic orientation, able not only to adapt but also to actively participate in society, to perform a set social roles, especially the roles of citizen, family man, specialist. In view of this, the conceptual principles of education of the younger generation, especially those who study in secondary schools are set: social maturity as an integrative property of the individual, which is manifested in the formation of social guidelines aimed at the conscious implementation of social norms and values; manifestations of social qualities; mastering a set of basic social roles that allow individuals to act competently in all spheres of public life. The article also reveals the basic principles of education of social maturity of high school students in extracurricular activities and approaches to the educational process. It is proved that, being a process of organization and stimulation of activity of a person to gain social experience, assimilation of values produced by mankind, creation of favorable conditions for realization of his natural attitude to life, approval of socially significant norms and rules of behavior, modern education should abandon authoritarianism in pedagogical communication, transfer of knowledge to children as inviolable dogmas of social experience. Education is designed to involve the child in creative activities, to enrich his experience of emotional and value relations.


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