The influence of children's folklore on the education of junior schoolchildren

  • Tetiana Potapchuk DVNZ "Precarpathian National Vasyl Stefanyk University"


The article notes that Ukrainian children folklore is of special interest, it helps to perform a wider range of pedagogical tasks related to the music and aesthetic education of primary schoolchildren. High artistic level, inexhaustible energy, zeal, emotional saturation of national folklore, variety of folk songs vividly reflect the aesthetic preferences, the very psychology of the Ukrainian people. The following genres are revealed and characterized: lullaby musical poetry, pacifiers and nursery rhymes, calendar poetry, proverbs, everyday poems, game genre, teasers, counters, humoresques, colloquialisms, riddles, fairytales and fables. It is stressed that lullabies are the greatest achievement of folk pedagogy in the history of humanity. Everyday poems are extremely useful for the development of auditory and musical memory of schoolchildren. Many works of folk calendar poetry also belong to children's folklore. The most common genre of children's folklore are appeals and sayings. Historically associated with the preparation of the younger generation for adult life, the game genre of children's folklore illustrates the actions of adults, gives the fullest way to the emotional energy and temperament of children. Timely development of phonemic, education of the ability to perceive subtle sound differences prepare a child of this age to master the language. The language of folk songs and consolations is concise, figurative and rich in such sound comparisons that help children to determine their difference. It is emphasized that most often in children's play songs rhyme words with different meanings, which often differ only in one (two) sounds (slippers-grandmothers, ate-peak, grandfather-bread, blunt-wants), which attracts and concentrates attention of a child, develops his logical thinking, affects the mastery of the native language. It was found that addressing a wide range of folklore achievements makes it possible to increase the amount of natural and musical memory, intelligence, to educate a child in spirituality, to form a national identity.


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