Innovation of the system of professional training of future primary school teachers for the organization of students’ leisure activities

  • Olga Goncharuk Lesia Ukrainka Eastern European National University


The article substantiates the core of innovation of the system of professional training of future primary school teachers for the organization of leisure time ofjunior schoolchildren.

The objective of the article is to explain the effectiveness of the proposed innovative content, forms and methods of each of the components of the system of professional training of future primary school teachers to organize leisure activities for students.

In the process of scientific research the following research methods were used: analysis, synthesis, generalization, systematization, inferences.

It is established that the innovation of the system of professional training of future teachers is the purposeful introduction into the innovation environment of higher education (academic, research, educational and practical training of students) innovative content, forms and methods of cognitive activity of students.

Innovation of the system of professional training of future teachers for the organization of children's leisure in educational activities was provided by the learning of the course “Organization of leisure activities of junior schoolchildren”; in educational work – involvement of young people in the work of the student club “Interesting leisure of junior schoolchildren”, to participate in educational activities of a leisure nature at the faculty and university level; in research work – involvement of students in the problem group “Conditions for successful organization of leisure activities of junior students”, to participate in competitions-defenses of scientific works on the organization of leisure activities of students, writing term papers / master's theses, participation in Science Days, conferences, seminars; in practical training – to perform leisure tasks.

The importance of self-education of the future primary school teacher in the implementation of each of the components of the system of preparation for the organization of children's leisure is emphasized.


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