Application of "gamification" in the professional training of social workers

  • Liliia Yeriomina Bohdan Khmelnytsky Melitopol State Pedagogical University


The relevance of the research topic is explained by the fact that the practice of using games in education has already established itself as an effective tool. The gamification format of the educational space transforms the education process into a game format. The presented material is devoted to the topic of the application of gamification in the training of social workers, the main purpose of which is its motivational properties. The author found that gamification in the professional training of social workers is a tool, the use of which helps to improve the quality of education. The article describes the use of gamification during practical exercises using the example of the components of the mandatory and selective cycle. The prospect of facilitating of the assimilation of information by applicants for higher education of the specialty of social work through systematic practical activity in the conditions of the Educational and Scientific Center for the Sociocultural Development of the Child is disclosed. The positive, according to the author, is the effectiveness, which is manifested in the assimilation of a large amount of information and its long-term preservation in memory.

It was emphasized that the experience of using gamification in the training of social workers is concentrated as follows: during lectures (presentation of new material is successfully combined with quest tasks for independent search for information in additional sources), as well as during practical exercises (proposing game tasks for micro groups, and the collective creation of thematic games, etc.). The author noted the prospect of further research in the implementation of gamification and the process of passing industrial practice for future social workers.


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