Preparation of a competent specialist for the formation of the speech personality of a child with speech disorder

  • Hanna Lopatina Berdyansk State Pedagogical University


In order to increase the efficiency of the educational process in the institution of higher education for the training of a competent specialist for the formation of speech personality of a child with speech disorders in Berdyansk State Pedagogical University there were introduced effective measures and experience of training future teachers-speech therapists.

The importance of communicative, constructive, organizational skills, personal qualities, professional knowledge, communicative culture, knowledge of nonverbal communication, etiquette in the educational process in higher education in order to train a competent speech therapist to form a child's speech personality is stressed in the article.

A student-centered system of training of competent specialists for the formation of a child's speech personality is presented, which successfully combines learning, research, non-formal education with the formation of soft and hard skills in higher education with respect to the principles of academic freedom and academic integrity.

The importance and necessity of further study and disclosure of this problem is emphasized. For the formation of speech personality of a child with speech disorders society needs specialists of new format who have systematic scientific knowledge of speech disorders, who can competently create an educational speech environment, who are able to develop and implement new programs and methods of organizing and providing special education on a humanistic basis in working with children with speech disorders and their families, as well as establish effective interaction with all participants in the correctional educational process, and have general cultural and professional competencies.


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