Pedagogical conditions of moral education of primary school students of Ukraine from the second half of the ХХ – early ХХІ century: historiography of the problem

  • Iryna Batareina Bohdan Khmelnytsky Melitopol State Pedagogical University


The article highlights the process of formation of moral education of primary school students in Ukraine from the second half of the XX century and to modern conditions. All scientific sources were divided into areas: historical and pedagogical research, which considered the areas of education at present; theoretical works, which highlight the specifics of the activity. Of the number of methods used by historians of pedagogy, a special place is occupied by historiographical analysis. It shows how the process of moral education took place during the study of the problem through the work of various scientists. Emphasis is placed on the fact that it is possible to successfully educate only in the partnership of an adult and a child. The role of primary school in the moral education of students is clarified. Pedagogical conditions for successful formation of moral norms and principles are allocated.

To improve the system of education at each stage of personality development it is necessary to take into account all the features and create the necessary pedagogical conditions that will contribute to the formation of a morally stable developed personality. The process of moral education is not immediately possible to see, but only after the application of various techniques and methods as a result of educational work. The main components of moral education are: theoretical and methodological principles of moral education, goals and objectives, pedagogical conditions and ways of implementation, the subjects of interaction and educational influence, content, methods and forms, criteria of education.

The concept of "pedagogical conditions" is actively used in a wide range of research and is a set of processes and actions that lead to the desired result. The essence of moral education at the present stage in the conditions of the New Ukrainian school is revealed. To implement the tasks of moral education, it is important to consider the factors of the system approach, which allow to coordinate the management of the process of pedagogical education with different structural levels.


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