Formation of the system of values in high school students: theoretical aspects

  • Yuliia Pinihina Bohdan Khmelnytsky Melitopol State Pedagogical University


The article is devoted to the current problem - the formation of a new system of values in high school students. It is noted that this problem is due to the fact that high school students are the bearers of the future, and their choice of values largely determines this future, contributes to the construction of their own meaning of life. The article examines the characteristics of psychological and pedagogical features of senior school age and the peculiarities of the formation of values in high school students. Particular attention is paid to justifying the role of family and school in the process of education and the formation of a new system of values. It is concluded that the formation of a new system of values in high school students is an extremely important process and the subject of close attention and diverse study.


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