Dialogical method in knowledge, communication and learning

  • Natalia Milko Bohdan Khmelnytsky Melitopol State Pedagogical University


In the article the dialogical form of
communication and its use in the
educational process is considered as an
effective means of personal development
of the future specialist. Dialogue is
considered as a special didacticcommunicative
environment, which
provides conditions for the actualization of
personal functions of its participants, as
well as which creates fundamentally new
prerequisites for the organization and
humanization of joint activities in the
pedagogical process. Dialogue is a way of
productive subjective cognitive and sociocultural
activities, including future
professionals, so its importance in the
formation of both life and professional
competencies that enable independent and
autonomous intellectual thinking, the ability
to ethical and moral-spiritual interaction
with other people. , to the systematic,
pedagogical modernization of the
organization of the educational process on
an innovative basis. Dialogue, as a
component of communicative interaction in
the learning process, professional and
socio-cultural activities, is relevant in the
organization of the modern educational
process, which is associated with
knowledge of the diversity of the world,
multicultural relations in society and many
spiritual and cultural practices.Intellectual
communicative and dialogical competence
in such conditions is a fundamental and
imperative requirement for the training of
future professionals.The main
characteristics of education in the "School
of Dialogue of Cultures" are considered,
which provides completely different,
compared to traditional, pedagogical
principles.Interest in the dialogic form of
interaction is associated with the process of
awareness of the teacher of the negative
impact on the learning process in the form
of monologue and when there is no dialogic


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