The system of complex correctional and developmental work on speech development of junior schoolchildren with dysgraphia: main characteristics

  • Larysa Zhuravliоva Bohdan Khmelnytsky Melitopol State Pedagogical University


The article substantiates and presents a
system of complex correction of speech
development of children of primary
school age with dysgraphia in a modern
general education institution. It is noted
that the speech development of children
of primary school age with dysgraphia
depends on the organization of an
effective correctional and pedagogical
process in general secondary education,
the improvement of which is quite
important and should be based on certain
fundamental scientific principles. The
positions of scientists on the
development of various pedagogical
systems are considered, the concept of
“system” is specified and concretized,
and its functions are defined. It is noted
that in pedagogical science systems are
developed in order to support the used
theoretical approaches in practice. It is
emphasized that in modern pedagogical
research, there are systems that
generally present the features of working
with children with special needs, but
there are also those that are aimed at
social interaction to eliminate certain
disorders. It was found that the existing
systems do not fully satisfy the
specialized activities of a speech
therapist with junior schoolchildren with
dysgraphia. There is a need to develop a
comprehensive system that has
interrelated elements, purpose,
principles, stages and results, which
would help map the correctional and
developmental process to expand the
influence of speech therapist on all
structural components of speech
development of primary school children
with dysgraphia in the institution of
general secondary education. It is
emphasized that the proposed system
has five main blocks: perspective-target,
conceptual, organizational-diagnostic,
content-procedural, control-effective.
Each of the specified blocks is


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