The role of tutor in the formation of the culture of sexual education of students

  • Osadcha Kateryna Bohdan Khmelnytsky Melitopol State Pedagogical University


The article touches upon the problem of
the formation of the culture of sex
education among students. It has been
established that sex education is
designed to instill in the young generation
a thoughtful, conscious and respectful
attitude towards gender issues. The
training of specialists in a higher
education institution is today considered
not only as the formation of professional
qualities of applicants for higher
education, but also as the development of
spiritual values, worldview guidelines and
personality traits. It has been established
that the institution of higher education is
the final stage of personality formation. A
student who comes to receive a higher
education, at the initial stages of
educational activity, must, of course,
master the basic knowledge, skills and
abilities of a person of culture at all levels
of life. The historical aspect is revealed, it
is shown that, based on the thoughts of
outstanding representatives of the
Enlightenment, the principle of natural
conformity in education and training is the
leading and universal. Girls / women
should receive the same education as
men. It is noted that the beginning of the
XXI century. the period of searching for
the content and ways of forming a model
of preparing young people for family life
by means of sex education, a healthy
lifestyle, a value attitude to health is not
only within the framework of their
physiological and psychological
development, but also by other scientific
and educational means and approaches.
The concept of "sex education", "curator",
"tutor" is disclosed. It has been
established that the concept of a curator
is close to the concept of "tutor", but is
significantly narrowed. A holistic scientific
analysis of the role of tutors in the
formation of a culture of sex education of
students is carried out. It is indicated that
sex education of young people should be
carried out using all traditional methods of
pedagogical influence. The theoretical
foundations of tutoring in higher
education institutions, the ways and
methods of sex education are
generalized, conclusions are formulated
regarding such activities in higher
education institutions.


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