Ways to optimize the entry of children with special educational needs into the social environment of a preschool educational institution

  • Potapchuk Tetyana, Dzhus Oksana DVNZ "Precarpathian National Vasyl Stefanyk University"


The article shows that autism is a
developmental disorder of the child that
persists for life. However, thanks to
timely diagnosis and early corrective
assistance, much can be achieved: to
adapt the child to life in society; teach
him to cope with his fears; control
emotions. The problem of autism is
caused not only by the high frequency
of this developmental pathology, but
also by a significant percentage of
children with disabilities. It has been
determined that the reason for this is the
lack of timely comprehensive medical,
psychological and pedagogical
assistance to children with autism and
insufficient socio-pedagogical impact on
the microenvironment in which they find
themselves. All of the above requires
the use of modern methods of
psychological correction and
counseling, the latest recommendations
and a large number of qualified
specialists and experts. The creation of
such an environment, which consists of
psychological and pedagogical
conditions, means of correction, the
content of programs individually
oriented to the child, the competence of
staff, is the key to effective upbringing
and education of children with a
spectrum of autistic disorders. In this
regard, we consider it appropriate to
analyze and propose individual
methods of psychological correction of
autism spectrum disorder in children.
Speech and communication
impairments in general are among the
main diagnostic criteria for autism
spectrum disorder (ASD). These
problems are becoming a significant
obstacle to the socialization of this
category of children. There is a violation
of the perception of not only verbal
speech, but also non-verbal stimuli
(facial expressions, gestures,
intonation). Therefore, to facilitate the
process of communication with a child,
they use means of alternative
communication, in the process of
applying which most concepts are
visualized using pictograms, drawings,
symbols, photographs, real objects.
Often, auxiliary communication
stimulates the development of verbal
speech in children, but in the general
number of cases, the alternative
communication system is the only way
to establish social contact with a child
with ASD.


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