The effectiveness of the introduction of the method "Professional case of the future family doctor" as one of the pedagogical conditions for their preparation for the use of medical equipment in professional activities

  • Maryna Bychko Ukrainian Medical Dental Academy


The article is devoted to the analysis and
assessment of the effectiveness of the
implementation of the methodology
"Professional case of the future family
doctor" in the preparation of future family
doctors for the use of medical equipment in
professional activities. The article briefly
presents the essence of the "Professional
case of a future family doctor" methodology.
Criteria and essential characteristics of the
readiness levels of future family doctors for
the use of medical equipment in professional
activities are presented, special tools that
were used during the study are listed. The
following data are presented for
consideration: the results of the formative
stage of diagnostics of the readiness levels
of future family doctors to use medical
equipment in their professional activities,
generalized data of the pedagogical
experiment on the dynamics of changes in
the level characteristics of the readiness of
future family doctors to use medical
equipment in professional activities and the
results of the pedagogical experiment at the
beginning and at the end research.
Conclusions are formed on the
effectiveness of the author's methodology
"Professional case of the future family
doctor" as one of the main pedagogical
conditions in the preparation of future family
doctors for the use of medical equipment in
professional activities.


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