Preparation of future preschool teachers for the protection of childhood in the process of studying social pedagogy

  • Nataliia Borbych Public Higher Education Institution «Lutsk Pedagogical College»


The article substantiates the semantic potential of the
discipline «Social Pedagogy» in the preparation of future
preschool teachers for the protection of childhood. The
professional preparation of future preschool teachers for the
protection of childhood is considered as a purposeful,
systematic process of forming students’ general and
professional competencies of creating favorable conditions
for successful socialization and self-realization of preschools
children by learning the ideas of good and evil, good and
bad, self-esteem, rights and duties.
It is determined that among the main reasons that stop the
process of observance of children's rights in society there is
the low level of legal education of citizens, the lack of
purposeful teachers’ training for childhood protection. A
necessary aspect of such professional training is the
awareness of future preschool teachers of the priority areas
of professional activity.
The article analyzes the general and professional
competencies and program learning outcomes of graduates
of the bachelor’s degree of specialty 012 «Preschool
It is determined that each of the topics of the discipline
«Social Pedagogy» is directly or indirectly aimed at the
formation of future preschool teachers’ ability to protect
Methods that contribute to the effective training of future
preschool teachers for childhood protection: lecturedialogue-
debate (subject-subject interaction of teacher and
students during the discussion of the most important issues
of childhood protection in Ukraine), simulation of
professional situations, range of ideas (solving acute
controversial issues, creating a list of ideas and involving all
students in the discussion of the issue), micro-teaching,
imitation (procedures with the performance of certain simple
known actions that reproduce, simulate any phenomena of
the surrounding reality), joint project are proposed on the
example of the topic «Protection of children's rights as a
socio-pedagogical problem».


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