The concept of cognitive skills in modern scientific reflection

  • Diana Hermanova Bohdan Khmelnytsky Melitopol State Pedagogical University


The article presents the concept of
"cognitive skills" in the light of modern
scientific research against the background
of the historical prerequisites for the
emergence of cognitive science, including
cognitive psychology, a psychological and
pedagogical analysis of this concept in
today`s scientific reflection. The
essentiality and development of cognitive
science, a relatively young scientific branch
that studies intelligence, as well as
cognitive processes, are considered. The
defining events and the mentioned
outstanding thinkers, who played a key role
in the emergence and formation of
cognitive psychology, are noted, the
scientific branch of which is the subject of
cognitive processes.
The concept of "cognition" is highlighted in
order to comprehensively consider the
content of cognitive skills and the main
approaches to their definition. Specified
scientific branches study cognitive
functions as biological carriers of the mind
and artificial intelligence. A brief excursion
into the history of the emergence and
formation of cognitive science is made, the
role of fundamental research by American
scientists made in the 70s of the twentieth
century is highlighted.
The interpretation of knowledge in the
available popular science resources of
European countries (France, Germany,
Spain, the Netherlands), the USA, Great
Britain and China is analyzed. The
peculiarities of the interpretation of the term
"cognitive skills", in terms of translation
(including "cognitive skills"), in the
etymological and scientific aspects in its
understanding by domestic and foreign
scientists, taking into account the post-
Soviet context of the development of
cognitive science are discussed. The main
key differences of the concept of "cognitive
skills" are determined by Western
specialists and domestic scientists, in
connection with which the role of emotions,
feelings, will and faith is indicated.
Outstanding cognitive scientists and their
achievements that influenced the definition
of cognitive skills are mentioned. Brief
descriptions of psychological and
pedagogical research of Ukrainian and
Russian scientists are given. The direction
of cognitive skills to achieve a specific
result in the educational process, which is
enshrined in the Law of Ukraine "On
Education" is indicated.
The importance of the formation of
cognitive skills of students in modern
information-changing conditions, taking
into account quarantine measures, has
been updated.


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