Legal education of adolescents as a scientific problem

  • Demianenko Anatolii Bohdan Khmelnytsky Melitopol State Pedagogical University


The article reveals an important problem
of legal education of adolescents. The
author proves that the legal education of
adolescents today occupies one of the
leading places in the development of the
personality of a citizen of their state, and
that is why legal education, the
achievement of a high legal culture
should be considered one of the
conditions for the progressive
development of the country. The level of
legal education of adolescents, as the
main factor of lawful behavior, to a
certain extent determines the issue of
solving the problems of criminalization of
youth at a preventive level, as well as in
their future - establishing interpersonal
interaction, building an individual
trajectory for a successful life.The article
examines the terminological apparatus,
presents various problems faced by
adolescents around the world. Both
American and European educators seek
to achieve the desired result in legal
education work with young people, to
form their legal culture and legal
competence. The author emphasizes the
relationship between morality and law in
society, reveals the latest research in
legal education, emphasizes the need
for further theoretical developments in
this direction at the interdisciplinary
level.The author believes that the
process of legal education of
adolescents should be focused on
innovative educational technologies, the
development of interpersonal
relationships of adolescents, on the
discussion of legal answers to problems
directly related to adolescent youth. The
article proves that to solve the problems
related to the legal education of
adolescents, there is a need in further
research in various fields, namely:
developmental psychology, family
education, health, social work,
educational and social policy.


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