A retrospective view on the problem of tutor support formation of moral education of students as a special form of mentoring.

  • Podpliota Svіtlana Bohdan Khmelnytsky Melitopol State Pedagogical University


In modern science, it is important to consider the mentoring system as the most effective way to use the human resources of the organization to solve strategic problems. The article considers the historical aspect of the emergence of mentoring as a method of transfer of experience, which was used for the moral education of children and youth. It is emphasized that mentoring is a centuries-old tradition, characteristic of all countries and as a social phenomenon inherent in all periods of human development. Its content is the transfer of a number of moral, intellectual, sometimes physical and material qualities. Mentor is a person who has some experience and knowledge, a high level of communication; seeks to help his students gain the experience necessary for self-improvement. The professionalism and experience of the mentors are joined by personal qualities: the ability to speak, listen, and interact. The work traces the formation of tutoring as a special form of mentoring, describes the prerequisites for its emergence and the degree of its relevance in our time. Born together with the first European universities, the modern institute of tutoring preserved and multiplied the norms, traditions and rules of mentoring of medieval universities; the author argues that tutoring and moral mentoring have the same roots. That is, tutoring appeared in classical English universities based on mentoring. The author emphasizes the need to modernize the modern education system of Ukraine in order to solve the problems of spiritual and moral development of the individual. The introduction of new strategies, in particular, tutoring, should be the key to solving the problems of the modern education system.  


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