Formation of professional competencies of applicants for the first bachelor's level of higher education in the specialty “psychology”.
The article shows that the professional competencies of bachelors in psychology and the need for their formation in the period of professional training is a requirement for the formation of personality in terms of selfimprovement, ability to selforganization, quickly adapt to changing conditions. The article emphasizes that a competent person is always the subject of his own life. He, along with the knowledge and skills necessary to perform a particular activity, is characterized by a focus on achieving high results in this activity, an active position, a clear orientation in social interaction, responsibility to themselves and the social environment. Educational and professional programs, which are normative documents of higher education institutions in accordance with the Law of Ukraine “On Higher Education”, the content of education, the amount of credits required for higher education, the list of competencies of a graduate are anaalyzed. Relevant conclusions were made regarding the problem of training young specialists at the bachelor's level, the importance of their professional activity for the improvement of mental state in society.