Professional formation of future family doctors in the process of preparation for the application of medical equipment in their professional activity

  • Bychko Maryna, Stetsenko Serhii Poltava State Medical University


The article is devoted to the process of professional development of future family doctors during training in a medical institution of higher education in the context of the implementation of a personal approach to training. The expediency of implementing a personal approach in the process of implementing high-quality professional training of future family doctors for the use of medical equipment in professional activities has been substantiated and the didactic goal of personality-oriented education of students of medical higher educational institutions has been determined. The article reflects the stages of the implementation of a personal approach in the professional training of future family doctors for the use of medical equipment in their professional activities; defined a clear position of each of the sides of the educational process - «a teacher of a medical institution of higher education – a student as a future family doctor». The essence and features of the concept of professional development of a highly qualified medical specialist are considered, as well as their own classification of the stages of professional development of future family doctors is presented. The article describes in detail the processes of comprehensive transformation of the personality that occurs at each of the five successive stages, starting with the thinking of students, analyzing their professional interests, aspirations, capabilities and qualities to the moment of highly qualified activities in the field of family medicine.The role and place of the principle of continuous professional development in the process of forming the readiness of future family doctors to use medical equipment in professional activities, the features of the selfeducation process, as well as the role of the teacher in the process of selfeducation of future family doctors are determined. The mechanisms of introducing elements of self-education into the training process of highly qualified medical specialists in the field of health care have been determined.   


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