Theoretical approaches to the issue of acquaring social experience by a human as a bio-socio spiritual being.

  • Atroshenko Tetiana, Bren Oleksandr Bohdan Khmelnytsky Melitopol State Pedagogical University


This article reveals scientists’ views on the essence of an individual’s social experience, peculiarities of its acquisition and mechanisms of assimilation. Theoretical approaches to the issue of acquisition of social experience by an individual are distinguished: philosophical, sociological, psychological and pedagogical. It is stated that the philosophical approach prioritizes people’s assimilation of social experience through perceiving themselves as a part of the organized whole. The philosophical approach to the problem of acquiring social experience has identified three discourses - anthropological, pragmatic and axiological. It was found that the sociological approach is based on the integrity of the individual experience with the experience of other people and the formation of collective behavior as a result. The psychological approach is characterized as the one based on the idea that the acquisition of social experience contributes to the development of one’s personality, influences one’s orientation in the social space, and the choice of an internal position. The pedagogical approach is found to be consistent in the process of acquiring social experience and education, the social experience is acquired under the influence of interaction with society and determines the content of attitudes and knowledge, the level of development of their skills and abilities.


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