International practices for assessing the quality of preschool education and methodology for conducting an expertise

  • Funtikova Olga Mariupol State University


The article analyzes international methods for assessing the preschool educational environment. International methodologies are presented as rating scales. Assessment and results of assessment of the preschool environment is a valuable resource for teaching teams. Characteristics are given for the assessment methodology using ITERS, ECERS, FCERS and SACERS. The characteristics of subscales, parameters and indicators of each rating scale are given. Educators in their work can use the rating results with preschool children in kindergartens. Rating scales are designed to assess the quality of the process of caring for a child of early or preschool age. According to the rating scale, it is possible to assess the quality of the pedagogical process, the quality of interaction between teacher and child, the quality of communication between children, to assess the quality of physical activity of the child in the group. The ITERS (Infant / Toddler Environment Rating Scale) reflects the scaling of the needs of infants and toddlers (up to 36 months) and provides a basis for improving the quality of the educational process. ITERS assesses the health and safety of the child. They use the main subscales: space and environment; Personal Care; language and books; measures; interaction; program. The ECERS scale (Early Childhood Environment Rating Scales), as an international methodology, focuses on the organizational and pedagogical conditions of child development, communication between adult and child, individualization of children's interests in the preschool group. The quality of the educational process is assessed in the potentials of physical, emotional, social and intellectual development of preschool children. ECERS contains seven subscales: subject-spatial environment; supervision and care of children; language and thinking; types of activity; interaction; structuring the program; parents and staff. The FCCERS (Family Child Care Environment Rating Scale) is an environmental assessment technique for caring for preschool children in a family based on seven subscales. The SACERS scale (School-Age Care Environment Rating Scale) is designed to assess group care programs for school children aged 5 and older (up to 12 years), including children with disabilities in extracurricular activities on the basis of subscales, parameters and indicators. The process of assessing the quality of conditions for child development, taking into account the interests of children, their activity and experience is analyzed.


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