Creative self-expression in the professional training of future music teachers

  • Stratan-Artyshkova Tetiana Volodymyr Vynnychenko Central Ukrainian State Pedagogical University


The study of modern pedagogical concepts, awareness and understanding of music and pedagogical experience enabled to identify the most effective directions for the development of creative personality of a future music teacher in the context of modern innovative pedagogical concepts, regularities and trends. This is involvement to own creation in the active process of creative and artistic activity in the classical triad of perception - interpretation - creation. The study is an independent one, but it is closely connected with the disciplines (musical and artistic, vocal and choral, practical and methodological, scientific and investigative). The aim is to develop the student's inclination for self-expression and selfactualization in his own work, as well as the mobility and selfactualization of his/her own work. The focus on developing students' desire for self-expression and selffulfillment in their own work. Mobilization of their creative potential forces is conditional on the value and individualistic development and self-development of future teachers. The new and higher level indicates the presence of complex and integrated professional and personal qualities that reflect the subjectivity of the future music teacher, his ability to act and create. Composition and performing activity is an integral characteristic of the creative and demonstration training of the future professional, determines the subjectivity, integrity, originality and uniqueness of his or her personality, contributes to the professional and creative growth and is conditional on the result – the formation of the author's potential of the future teacher of music art.


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