Organizational and pedagogical fundamentals of the formation of the internal system of quality assurance in educational institutions of professional education
The basis for solving the problem of quality of education in institutions of professional education, as a multifaceted, comprehensive social and pedagogical problem, is the design and implementation of an internal quality system of the educational process. The purpose of such a system is to combine and integrate organizational, methodological, scientific, personnel, managerial and other efforts and resources, the inclusion of all structures of the institution in quality management based on scientific principles and laws and taking into account various factors and conditions, the level of quality of functioning and results of education that meets state educational standards. Teams of professional education institutions have the right to take care of competitiveness, monitor and forecast the situation in the education market, labor market, the emergence of new scientific advances, work on creating a product of intellectual work of teachers, implementation of research ideas, plan and organize educational activities. It is necessary to update the social order for the training of a highly qualified broad-based specialist in related fields, who has professional, cultural, social, labor, information competencies, ready for professional growth. The article characterizes the internal control in the institution of professional education as the main component of the internal quality assurance system and integrated education quality management system.The functions and features of the organization of internal control in professional education institutions are revealed, its role in the system of ensuring the quality of education is substantiated.