Multifunctionality of professional and pedagogical activities of the concert master in the choreography class

  • Pereverzeva Оlena Bohdan Khmelnytsky Melitopol State Pedagogical University


The article examines the activity of a concertmaster-pianist who works with children of different age groups in choreography classes. The tasks of musical education in the process of learning choreography are defined: increasing students' interest in music, developing the ability to emotionally perceive it; development of imagination, artistic abilities; the ability to match the nature of the movement with the nature of the music; development of musical perception of metrorhythm; conscious ability to perceive music and choreographic movements in an inseparable aesthetic unity; expanding the general musical horizons of children.
The work summarizes the duties of the concertmaster of choreographic classes: operative selection of musical material for classes; constant dissemination of professionally oriented musical erudition and knowledge about the nature of dance and its characteristic features; study of work experience in aesthetic education of children in choreographic groups, in particular, in musical development; familiarization with new techniques of "movement to music"; systematic work on the musical development of dancers, because musically educated children are much more expressive in dance.
The author of the article points out that effective work in choreographic classes is possible only in the partnership of a teacher-choreographer and a musician, the psychological compatibility and personal mental qualities of the concertmaster and choreographer play a significant role. True creativity requires an atmosphere of benevolence, ease, and mutual understanding. It is important that the accompanist be a friend and partner of the teacher. Only from the position of a creative approach can all ideas be realized, and have high performance in the performing activities of students of choreographic classes.
The purpose of this work is to determine the methods and techniques of the concertmaster's work in the choreography class with the aim of forming professional self-awareness, improving the mastery and pedagogical activity of the concertmaster in the choreography class.


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