Concert performance as an indicator of the formation of creative skills of the future teacher of musical art

  • Bagriy Tetiana Bohdan Khmelnytsky Melitopol State Pedagogical University


The article updates the problem of concert performance as a priority area of professional training of the future music teacher. Different approaches of scientists regarding the definition of the essence of the concept of "creative abilities" and their importance in stage performance activities are considered. The multifaceted qualification of a music teacher is highlighted. The dependence of the results of musical and creative activity on the acquisition of knowledge and the level of formation of skills and abilities was revealed. A concert performance is singled out, as a result of work on a musical piece. Attention is focused on conducting and choral art, the purpose of creative tasks is outlined, which consists in free operation of musical knowledge. The uniqueness of the creative process of a musician-performer, conditioned by objective and subjective factors - the composer's idea, laid out in the musical notation, and the peculiarities of the interpreter's creative thinking is proven. The essence of the interpretation process and the stage of formation of artistic interpretation skills are defined. Among the entire complex of musical, performing, communicative and psychological capabilities of the conductor, artistry is singled out as a form of manifestation of his professional skill. Attention is focused on the importance of emotions in performance. The importance of the repertoire in mastering artistry in conducting classes is determined. Types of independent work for the development of the conductor's non-verbal behavior skills are highlighted. It is noted that concert performances invigorate the future music teacher, motivating him to creativity.


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