Formation of tolerant attitude towards children with special educational needs in primary school students

  • Shevchenko Yuliia. Dubiaha Svitlana Bohdan Khmelnytsky Melitopol State Pedagogical University


The article highlights the results of a theoretical-empirical study of the process of forming a tolerant attitude towards children with special educational needs in primary school students. One of the most important qualities that younger schoolchildren should acquire during the educational process is the key competence that everyone needs for personal fulfillment, personal development, active citizenship, social inclusion, etc. An important moment for the formation of a tolerant attitude is emphasized - the introduction of socially significant activities of an elementary school teacher, the disclosure to students of their active social position, the formation of awareness of the importance of tolerance, the development of an emotional response to another person who has special educational needs, etc. It was found that equality between the participants of any process, in particular, an educational one, which aims to ensure new interests, the emergence of mutual respect, the development of the ability to reveal oneself as an individual to solve issues that the whole society is working on, forms the basis of the formation of tolerance. Empirical research proved that such components as valuable, psychological-emotional, behavioral include informational awareness of the equality of people with disabilities, the possibility of response and help, moral values and norms of communication with persons who have special educational needs, the importance of peacefulness, benevolence, empathy, the ability to listen and hear, emotional stability, politeness, sensitivity in behavior, the ability to empathize, willingness to help, communicativeness, etc. Therefore, the manifestation of a tolerant attitude towards children with special educational needs means the need for the student to adhere to his own beliefs, on the one hand, and on the other hand, the ability to recognize the rights of children with special educational needs.


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