The Storytelling Technology as Forming Instrument of Students’ Communicative Competence during the Study of Literature

  • Akulova Nadiia Bohdan Khmelnytsky Melitopol State Pedagogical University


The article raises the actual problem of the formation of students’ communicative competence, which is one of the priority directions of the development of contemporary national education and corresponds to the current concept of the development of the New Ukrainian School. Current social requirements for the formation of the personal qualities of an individual as a full-fledged member of society, which is developing in the context of the European paradigm of values, the active integration of Ukraine into the European educational space, the language policy of Ukrainian government, as well as the rapid change of the cultural landscape caused by the development of technologies, require the renewal of didactic approaches, given their ability to adequately respond to the demands of contemporary civilization. Western and Ukrainian researchers recognize the pedagogical storytelling as an effective educational technology, the effectiveness of which has been proven during century’s quarter not only by teaching practice, but also by such areas as management, mass media, politics, etc. Undoubtedly, storytelling as a pedagogical technology is now gaining special relevance also in the context of the problem of “clip thinking”, since its digital format satisfies the requirement of diversifying forms of communication, demonstrating the wide possibilities of combining various communicative elements in the structure of the narrative: verbal, sound, visual, interactive. The application of digital storytelling also ensures the realization of the requirement of creating contemporary educational environment through the diversification of options for the organization of the educational space, the wide use of multimedia and IT technologies, etc. The author examines the ways of storytelling technology’s effective use during the study of Literature using specific examples.


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