Development of media culture of high school students in extracurricular time by means of information and educational technologies

  • Bunchuk Oksana, Tabler Tetiana, Bunchuk Tetiana Bohdan Khmelnytsky Melitopol State Pedagogical University


In the publication, the authors reveal the content of the media culture of the individual as a socio-pedagogical phenomenon. Media culture of an individual is considered as a system of needs, orientations, knowledge, abilities, skills and other social characteristics of an individual, formed and developed in the process of being in the media environment using mass media for the purpose of obtaining social information. The potential of information and educational technologies in the development of the media culture of high school students in extracurricular time is also revealed: the integration of socio-cultural information and educational technologies in the development of the media culture of high school students will contribute to the formation in students of the qualities necessary for a personality living in a modern information space, as well as the development creative and communicative abilities of high school students. Emphasis is placed on indicators and levels of development of media culture of high school students. The formation of the media culture of a high school student is determined by the authors using the following indicators (criteria): conceptual, contact, motivational, evaluative or interpretive, creative. The publication highlights the exploratory and experimental research conducted in the context of the topic of the article on the development of media culture of high school students by means of information and educational technologies.


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