The argumentation method as an innovation in the education of future chemistry teachers

  • Maksymov Oleksandr, Diuzhykova Tetiana, Kulyk Iryna Bohdan Khmelnytsky Melitopol State Pedagogical University


The article is devoted to the study of the issue of teaching the method of argumentation to future chemistry teachers using a chemical experiment and other teaching aids. The method of performing a chemical experiment as a didactic task (DT) is accomplished using examples. In this regard, the structural and procedural features of the DT and the method of its solution is revealed. Moreover, emphasis is placed on the fact that the solution of the problem in the form of performing a chemical experiment as a specific method of teaching and learning chemistry is possible in the course of all components of the educational program, which are aimed at the formation and development of the professional competences of the future teacher of chemistry. The article provides a thorough analysis of the latest achievements in the field of teaching chemistry in higher educational establishments using the method of pedagogical argumentation, which became the impetus for researching the potential opportunities of chemical disciplines, namely chemical real and virtual experiment, STEM education, and group work for the formation of readiness of future chemistry teachers to apply the method of argumentation in their practice. The method of the formative stage of the pedagogical experiment among 45 students is described and the results of the study are presented, which show that the students' readiness (high and sufficient level) increased by 22.21% during the year of teaching the method of argumentation. It was also noted that a more significant increase in the percentage of formed signs of readiness to use the argumentation method was observed among undergraduate students. This is explained by motivation in learning before pedagogical practice.


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