Preparing future teachers for the organization of educational activities of students with specific mental development

  • Melash Valentina, Dubiaha Svitlana, Varenychenko Anastasia Bohdan Khmelnytsky Melitopol State Pedagogical University


The article analyzes different views on the peculiarity of mental development of children (delayed mental development), which indicated that after a certain period of time this delay will be compensated, the child will reach the level of his peers and his development will enter the normal course. Attention is focused on the fact that mental retardation in children is a clinical concept, and therefore it is fundamentally important to timely diagnose this problem and provide children with corrective assistance in educational activities that would correspond to their psychological characteristics. The spread of ideas of inclusion radically and irreversibly changes the educational space, opening wide opportunities for people with special needs (such as with developmental disabilities), while at the same time «exposing» the vulnerabilities of existing education systems (both mass and special). Ukrainian education has already entered this evolutionary stage of the implementation of inclusive practices, so together with other countries, it faced the problems of the period of modernization of the industry. It has been established that the main corrective factor in the development of children with special educational needs is the educational process with a rate of assimilation of the material, methods of its presentation and duration of training appropriate to their development, high individualization of pedagogical work with each student. The methodical features of the educational process of students with special mental development and the preparation of future primary school teachers for the use of methodical tools for the implementation of the task in relation to such students: to adapt, fruitfully integrate into relations with the social and natural environment are characterized.


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