Theoretical aspects of the formation of social competence in children of older preschool age by means of didactic design

  • Nyzhnyk Tetiana, Horodnycha Svitlana Bohdan Khmelnytsky Melitopol State Pedagogical University


The article is devoted to the theoretical aspects of the formation of social competence of older preschool children by means of didactic design. The authors analyzed theoretical approaches to defining the concept of "didactic design". It is emphasized that didactic design is one of the most important components of all branches of modern education. The authors consider the properties, principles and main tasks of didactic design. Functional, aesthetic and technological properties of didactic design are revealed. It is emphasized that the main tasks of didactic design are: purposeful expansion of the visual field of visual didactic objects; search for optimal methods of education and upbringing; construction of various means of education; development of didactic support components of the educational process. The article determines that didactic design allows implementing a number of important pedagogical functions, such as solving the problem of continuity of education, expanding the educational material with visual navigators of knowledge and skills, supplementing the methodology of pedagogical design by means of knowledge modelling. The psychological requirements for the creation of visual didactic material (compression, simplicity, emotionality, structure and integrity) are considered. The authors determine the possibilities of didactic design in the formation of social competence of older preschool children and offer options for visualizing educational and developmental material in working with preschoolers. It is noted that the correct organization of the educational environment with the use of didactic design, the skillful, organic inclusion of various visual material in classes allows giving them an exploratory, developmental character. Based on the results of the theoretical analysis of the problem, the authors formulated conclusions and outlined the prospects for further research in the specified direction.


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